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Georg Schumann communication expert leadership coach trainer

My Story

I am Georg and as a professional I am a communication expert and leadership coach.
When I was a young professional I was overwhelmed by the amount of communication on a standard workday.
As a manager I was often frustrated with delay caused by misunderstandings and also by ineffective meetings, which “stole my time”.
While living abroad and speaking in a foreign language I learnt that talking is not enough.
In my transformation coach career I needed to “read” people and understand their needs and motivations in order to get my messages through to them.

All these aspects brought me to the conclusion: I need to change my communication fundamentally. Everybody I will communicate with deserves the “right” communication style, which creates a pleasant atmosphere and resonates with there values, feelings and thoughts.
So I started on my quest to find a comprehensive education to understand communication as a whole. I wanted to find new, elegant ways to analyse interaction situations and easy-to-remember methods and effective communication models.

As communication is highly complex and has so many different aspects I didn’t find one course, so I compelled all information, tools, models, layers and canals of communication and I started to create my own training. Communication is such a fundamental skill. It can connect people, build bridges and bring the world closer together. It is your human way of expressing ourselves on a daily basis and put our thougths into words, so others can understand them.
With all my acquired knowledge, skills and trainingconcepts I want to support you to boost your communication!

These values are driving me

Passing on knowledge and helping people achieving better results with effective communication is very fulfilling for me.
I love to hear that for example a client’s life got easier and more fulfilled through his new style of communicating.
It is so rewarding to see people during trainings having their personal heurica moments and leave the class with a smile and sparkling eyes.
Accompanying people on their individual development journey makes me truly happy.

Maybe I will have the pleasure to welcome you in one of my trainings and join you on your development journey soon!
